• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alexiabonita23
  • hace 9 años

oraciones de animales 

JudithFs: Bueno yo te paso a inglés unas frases que han escrito por aquí en español:
JudithFs: Buy two small dogs to play with them.
My neighbor's cats have four puppies.
The lions sleep after eating.
On my farm there are seven dairy cows.
My dad bought me a goose four days old.
Parrots of the neighbor will not let us sleep.
In that movie had like five wolves.
omorrow we will go to the zoo to enjoy the bears.
The number of snakes found exceed two hundred.
JudithFs: They are promoting a safari to see giraffes and rhinos.
I would love to have two hamsters in my house.
Good to play with the goats.
Pigeons nest on my roof made
In the mornings I feel the chirping of birds.
The parade horses were beautiful.
My family and I live very happy with spiders.
The fastest animal is the cheetah.
That snake is very poisonous.
Hippos live in water with crocodiles.
JudithFs: Tomorrow we will go to the zoo to enjoy the bears.


Respuesta dada por: JenniferStar
Los leones tienen melena.
Las gallinas tienen pico
Los elefantes trompa

The lions have manes. The chickens have beaks The elephants trunk

Respuesta dada por: ivanamiranda08


Aquel animal se está extinguiendo.


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