• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: titi3498
  • hace 2 años

1.- Circle don't ir doesn't yo complete each sentences
a. We don't / doesn't work on weekends
b. I doesn't / don't have a lot of free time
c. Th y don't / doesn't Sing at an Party
d. My mother doesn't / don't teach spanish
e. This dog don't / doesn't drink any water
f. Tommy and Jennifer don't / doesn't study Portuguese

2.- Change affirmative sentences to negative sentences
a. You go yo the gym in morning=
b. Jack eats a Sandwich=
c. They say goodbye =
d. Mary plays the violin=
e. My friend whatches TV every afternoon=
f. Children like to take a bath=​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. Circle don't or doesn't to complete each sentence.

a. don't

b. don't

c. don't

d. doesn't

e. doesn't

f. don't

2. Change into negative sentences.

a. You don't go to the gym in the morning.

b. Jack doesn't eat a sandwich.

c. They don't say goodbye.

d. Mary doesn't play the violin.

e. My friend doesn't watch Tv every afternoon.

f. Children don't like to take a bath.


Don't - se complementa con I - you - we - They o con sustantivos en Plural.

Doesn't - se complementa con He - She - It o con sustantivos en Singular

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