• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: karinafeijooshirley7
  • hace 2 años

1. He __________ here only two days. BE

2. I________when the alarm rang. SLEEP

3. I_________ to London to see my niece. DRIVE

4. We___________ for the bus when it began to rain. WAIT

5. I __________ an email from my sister-in-law. RECEIVE

6. I ___________two books to read before the lecture. HAVE

7. I ___________to the lecture when my friend came in. LISTEN

8. I__________ in London in 2004. BE

9. I__________ for you all afternoon. WAIT

10. I ___________my lesson when you called me. WRITE​


Respuesta dada por: prietodaniela26


1. He _____be_____ here only two days. here only two days.

2. I____sleep____when the alarm rang.

3. I____drive_____ to London to see my niece.

4. We__wait_________ for the bus when it began to rain.

5. I ____receive______ an email from my sister-i-law.

6. I ____have_______two books to read before the lecture.

7. I _____listen______to the lecture when my friend came in.

8. I______be____ in London in 2004.

9. I_____wait_____ for you all afternoon.

10. I ___write________my lesson when you called me.

Solo tienes que poner lo que estaba al final

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