Present simple:
- Se utiliza cuando se expresa que la acción no se está realizando en ese preciso momento, como (always, sometimes, usually, every day... etc).
- Se utiliza don't y doesn't cuando es negativo, y los verbos terminan en -s , -es o -ies cuando se utiliza he, she o it cuando es afirmativo.
I don't
You don't
He doesn't
She doesn't
It doesn't
We don't
They don't
* Cuando es pregunta se utiliza do y does:
Do: I/you/we/they
Does: He/she/it
Present Continuos:
- Se utiliza cuando se expresa que la acción que está realizando en ese preciso momento, como (at the moment, now, right now..etc).
- Se utiliza am, am not, is, isn't , are y aren't, y terminan en -ing.
I am/am not
You are/aren't
He is/isn't
She is/isn't
It is/isn't
We are/aren't
They are/aren't
1. We are reading a book now.
2. We sometimes read a book.
3. He isn't watching at the moment.
4. He doesn't watch TV on Sunday.
5. I go to school every day.
6. I am going to school now.
7. Her mum always listens to music.
8. Her mum is listening to music now.
9. Do you do homework every day?
10. Are you doing homework now?
11. They aren't playing football at the moment.
12. They don't play football every day.