• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: muchaypinaluari
  • hace 2 años

Monika is traveling in Ecuador for a month. Read her email to a friend. Complete the sentences with the present continuous tense. ​



Respuesta dada por: alexasnt17
I’m writing to you from Ecuador.
Our group is visiting Quito.
Right now, we are eating lunch.
I’m enjoying this program.
What are you doing?
What are you studying?
Are you reading anything interesting?
Well, we are leaving the cafe now.

Example: Elena is studying English.
1 Carlos is writing emails.
2 They are listening to music.
3 Mindy is talking on the phone.
4 We are eating French food.
5 Río is watching TV.
6 I am doing my homework.
7 Gary is texting Alison.
8 Dave is exercising at the gym.

muchaypinaluari: oye lo primero q me mandastes es de la primera parte?
alexasnt17: Si
muchaypinaluari: ok encerio gracias corona
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