6. Escriba oraciones en futuro continúo utilizando los verbos indicados:
a. Laugh (Reir)
b. Run (Correr):
C. Ask (Preguntar):
d. Deserve (Merecer):
e. Bit (Morder):
☁️Hola dayanaarias0322! ツ☁️
Espero te ayude mi respuesta:
a. You were sleeping last night.
b. She was singing a song.
c. He was screaming yesterday.
d. I was cooking yesterday afternoon.
e. They were reading a book.
a. You will be laughing.
b. I will be running.
c. She will be asking.
d. He will be deserving.
e. It will be biting hard.

a- C'mon! You will be laughing at that for years!
b- Ok then, I will be runing on that direction and you in the other, 'kay?
c- If you don't study enough, you will be asking the answer for every question!
d- I believe in the karma, if you do something bad, you will be deserving something bad.
e- Okay, okay, then say, when and why you will be biting a tree?!
Se necesita tener en cuenta que para hablar sobre algo en futuro, regularmente se utiliza la palabra "will", y para una frase continua, al final del verbo se usa "ing" regularmente.