Respuesta dada por:
El tiempo verbal "presente perfecto" se emplea para decir una acción del pasado que tiene relevancia o que es importante para el presente.
Para realizar una oración negativa en presente perfecto se emplea:
Sujeto + verbo auxiliar + not + participio pasado + complemento.
1) She hasn't learned french yet.
2) I haven't traveled to Italy since I was a kid.
3) We haven't played tennis in years.
4) He hasn't called me in weeks.
5) I haven't received your email yet.
6) Laura hasn't confirmed our appointment.
7) Mike hasn't finished cleaning his room yet.
8) You haven't seen my new car.
9) You haven't paid all your debts.
10) I haven't sold anything on amazon today.
11) She hasn't spoken to me in a year.
12) Camila hasn't texted me since yesterday.
13) I haven't had time to do the assignment.
14) You haven't been honest with your mother.
15) She hasn't sent a letter in a while.
16) Josh hasn't run a race since the accident.
17) I haven't driven my car much.
18) You haven't worked in a week.
19) Betty hasn't forgiven me yet.
20) I haven't eaten yet.
Para realizar una oración negativa en presente perfecto se emplea:
Sujeto + verbo auxiliar + not + participio pasado + complemento.
1) She hasn't learned french yet.
2) I haven't traveled to Italy since I was a kid.
3) We haven't played tennis in years.
4) He hasn't called me in weeks.
5) I haven't received your email yet.
6) Laura hasn't confirmed our appointment.
7) Mike hasn't finished cleaning his room yet.
8) You haven't seen my new car.
9) You haven't paid all your debts.
10) I haven't sold anything on amazon today.
11) She hasn't spoken to me in a year.
12) Camila hasn't texted me since yesterday.
13) I haven't had time to do the assignment.
14) You haven't been honest with your mother.
15) She hasn't sent a letter in a while.
16) Josh hasn't run a race since the accident.
17) I haven't driven my car much.
18) You haven't worked in a week.
19) Betty hasn't forgiven me yet.
20) I haven't eaten yet.
Respuesta dada por:
A continuación se le presentará una lista con 20 oraciones de Present Perfect Negativas. A demás de una breve explicación de cómo hacer las oraciones.
20 Oraciones en Presente Perfecto Negativas
- I have not met you more everyday. / Te no he conocido cada día más.
- He has not been working on his project. / Él no ha estado trabajando en su proyecto.
- She has not slept more on the last week. / Ella no ha dormido más en esta última semana.
- You have not read a lot of books. / Tú no has leído muchos libros.
- They have not studied chemestry. / Ellos no han estudiado química.
- I have not waited the bus for hours. / Yo no he esperado el autobús por horas.
- She has not found the secret of life. / Ella no ha encontrado el secreto de la vida.
- He has not worked by months. / Él no ha trabajado por semanas.
- It has not copied all I said / No ha copiado todo lo que dije.
- She have not broken with her boyfriend. / Ella no ha terminado con su novio.
- They haven't gone to the circus. / Ellos no han ido al circo.
- We hadn't watched The Lion King. / No hemos visto el Rey León.
- She haven't listened to Taylor's songs / Ella no ha escuchado las canciones de Taylor.
- You haven't texted me / No me has escrito.
- She haven't read my letter / Ella no ha leído mi carta.
- You haven't baked a cake/ Tú no has horneado un pastel.
- He haven't stolen my books? / Él no ha robado mis libros.
- She haven't had going to the city? / Ella no se ha tenido que ir a la ciudad.
- I haven't believed on Conspiracy. / Yo no he creído en las conspiraciones.
- You haven't trusted me. / Tu no has confiado en mí.
Presente Perfecto o Present Perfect.
1. ¿De qué tiempo verbal se trata?
Es el tiempo verbal del inglés que se utiliza para comunicar los hechos que han iniciado en el pasado, aunque siguen teniendo relevancia en el presente.
2. ¿Cómo construir oraciones?
- Have.
- Pronombre personales: I, You, They, We.
- Fórmula para las oraciones: Pronombre Personal + Have + Verbo en Pasado Participio + Complemento.
- Has.
- Pronombre personales: She, He, It.
- Fórmula para las oraciones: Pronombre Personal + Has + Verbo en Pasado Participio + Complemento.
En este post se les presenta una lista con 20 oraciones de Present Perfect Negativas. A demás de una breve explicación de cómo hacer las oraciones.
Contenido relacionado:
- 5 oraciones con monosilabos en ingles y 5 oraciones con bisilavos en ingles:
- 20 oraciones con will:
- 20 oraciones negativas en inglés:
Asignatura: Inglés.
Grado: Universidad.
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