• Asignatura: Castellano
  • Autor: ceballossilvana3712
  • hace 2 años

11. I like math. I ______ solve math problems quickly.
could b. couldn’t c. can d. can’t

12.Tom is too small to play soccer. What ______ he do?
can’t b. can c. could d. couldn’t

13The museum is closed. We ______ go today.
can b. could c. can’t d. couldn’t

14 When ______ he walk? (Answer: At 12 months.)
couldn’t b. can c. could d. can’t

15I was so tired. I ________ have slept the whole day.
can b. can’t c. could d. couldn‘t


Respuesta dada por: anni016


  • I like math. I can solve math problems quickly.
  • Tom is too small to play soccer. What can he do?
  • The museum is closed. We couldn’t go today.
  • When can he walk? (Answer: At 12 months.)
  • Was so tired. I can’t have slept the whole day.
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