• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: EndKeeper
  • hace 2 años

Escribe las oraciones en present continuo en su forma negative

I / not / study at the moment
I / not / sleep
you / play / not / badminton tonight
we / watch / not / TV
she / not / work in Spain
he / not / wait for the bus
they / read / not
we / not / go to the cinema tonight
you / not / read the newspaper
she / eat / not / chocolate
I / not / live in Paris
we / study / not / French
they / not / leave now
they / live / not / in London
he / work/ not/ in a restaurant now
I / not / meet my father at four
she / not / drink tea now
she / play / not / the guitar
we / cook / not
he / walk / not / to school now


Respuesta dada por: volpamage200


todo lo que termine en n't o t es negativo


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