• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ce24407
  • hace 2 años

Lee el siguiente texto e identifica la estructura de presente perfecto:
Black rose is our college’s biggest band right now. Jody, Ed, Frank and Fliss got together at college in 2003.
Since then, they’ve done four tours of the south west and they’ve released two CDs on the college label.
They’ve had three tracks played in the national radios. They’ve just finished a tour at the Swan theatre, the
football ground and the Nag’s head pub in town. On the day before the last gig, we talked to lead singer, Jody.
Interviewer: Has the tour gone well?
Jody: It’s been great the fans have been amazing. They’ve liked our new songs as well as the old ones.
Interviewer: the band has created its own sound over the last five years, hasn’t it?
Jody: Yeah: we’ve worked hard on our music- we want to be unique.
Interviewer: have sales of the new album been good?
Jody: I’m not sure. I’m not really interested in that side of it.
Interviewer: are you looking forward to the final gig tonight in the college hall?
Jody: yes and no. It’ll be a great gig-probably the best of this year. But I’m sorry the tour’s over-we’ve had a
really good time. We haven’t argued. We’ve played well. I’ve loved it. Even the weather’s been good! But we
need to concentrate on our exams now!
Since our interview last week, the band has had a big bust up
The college gig didn’t go well. The lead guitarist and the pianist didn’t play well. They were really tired and
didn’t try very hard. Jody was really mad. “When students have paid all that money for a ticker, we have to play
well” she said next morning. “Some fans have waited a year to see us. I feel terrible” So she’s left the band. At
riff magazine we hope it’s only temporary.

Lunauwur: te digo la estructura?
ce24407: si
Lunauwur: listo
Lunauwur: espero te sirva
Lunauwur: te lo hago tambien con negativo y pregunta?
ce24407: si gracias


Respuesta dada por: Lunauwur



I/You/we/they        have('ve)       decided    (el verbo esta en pasado participio)

She/he/it                 has('s)

Ejemplo en tu texto: They've done four tours of the south west and they've realesed two CD's on the college label.


                    Have         I/You/we/they          decided

                    Has          she/he/it        

Where          have           you             put it?

What             has            she          done

Ejemplo en tu texto;;

Interviewer: Has the tour gone well?


I/You/we/they      have not (haven't/'ve not)         decided.

She/he/it              has not (hasn't/'s not)

Ejemplo en tu texto: We haven’t argued.


si no te los sabes, en la imagen hay una lista de verbos (Past participle, esta en rosa)

Espero te sirva✨


Lunauwur: hay esta fijate
Lunauwur: espera me fije una en negativo
Lunauwur: listo
Lunauwur: me podes dar coronita?
Lunauwur: me tarde un montón en hacer eso
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