• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tatooossss
  • hace 2 años



- 3:



Complete the

sentences with

the verb in

brackets in

past simple

(positive or

negative) and

match the

sentences with

the pictures.

(Complete las

oraciones con

el verbo en

paréntesis en


[afirmativo o

negativo] y

empareje con

las gráficas):

1. Alice ate (eat) ice cream every day and she __________ (put) on five

kilos !!

2. Jane and her friend __________ (spend) all their time on the beach.

3. Bob __________ (go) hiking in the mountains, but he __________ (get )

lost for two days!!!

4. Mike __________ (get up ) late every morning, because he __________

(can) go to bed later.

5. The farmer __________ (harvest) his wheat in August.

6. Steve __________ (surf) the biggest waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

7. Kelly __________ (do) her best to protect herself from too much sun.

8. We __________ (watch) all the fireworks organized by the small villages


9. The neighbours __________ (go) on picnics every Sunday as they

__________ (not manage) to go on holidays this year.

10. My two sons __________ (swim) with dolphins.

Complete las oraciones con el verbo en paréntesis en pasado
[afirmativo o negativo]

ayuda, no entiendo :c doy coronita


Respuesta dada por: tomy2015grane


1: put

2: spent

3: went y got

4: Get up y Cant

5: Harvested

7: surfed

7: Did

8: Watched

9: Went y didnt manage

10: Swam


suerte amigaso, si alguna está mal te devuelvo los puntos

tatooossss: graciassss!!
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