investiga lo mas importante
que es la humanidad?
donde se originó?
como se originó?
que importancia se le daba a la humanidad en la época antigua, etc
luego de tener esos datos vas a recopilar un poco de cada uno y los unes en un texto y listo
The origin of humanity is one of the scientific issues with the greatest incidence in the public interest. ... Today, we know that many hominin species coexisted in Africa at the same time, and it is suspected that the first tools may not be the work of the first humans, but of their ancestors. It has its greatest milestone in the work of the English naturalist Charles Darwin, who places the current human species within the biological evolution of natural selection and sexual selection. tertiary. It was approximately 7 million years ago that the hominids (ancestors of humans) and the chimpanzee parted ways with their evolution.traducelo a español bb