• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: husitofacundo
  • hace 2 años

Me ayudan? es para hoy graciass
Entre parentesis estan las opciones para la respuesta correcta.

Grammar gerunds and infinitives

Cicle the correct form.

7- My girlfriend's very possessive. She doesn't let me ( going out / to go out / go out ) with my friends any more.
8- The man denied ( stealing / to seal / seal ) the laptop from my bag.
9- I've given up ( buying / to buy / buy ) CDs because it's cheaper to download the tracks i like.
10- I can't imagine ( heaving to / to have to / have to ) get up at 6.00 every morning.
11- Kim expects ( gettint / to get / get ) her exam results on Friday.
12- He managed ( passing / to pass / pass ) his driving test although he was really nervous.​


Respuesta dada por: chilekawaiii


7- Go out

8- Stealing

9- Buying

10- Heaving to

11- To get

12- To pass

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