• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: madaihdz367
  • hace 2 años

SIMPLE PAST completar las oraciones, convirtiendo el verbo debajo de la línea, a pasado simple. “TEN CUIDADO, PUEDE SER VERBO REGULAR O IRREGULAR

Last night we __walked_____________to the cinema.

⦁ Sam _________________ the car to take a picture.

⦁ I __________________ for the exam for three hours.

⦁ They ______________ happy to be home.

⦁ When I was young, we always ____________ to Florida for the summer.

⦁ __________ you ___________ the dishes?
(Do) (wash)


Respuesta dada por: aixadenisse09


Last night we __walked_____________to the cinema.


⦁ Sam stopped the car to take a picture.


⦁ I studied for the exam for three hours.


⦁ They were happy to be home.


⦁ When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.


⦁ did you wash the dishes?

(Do) (wash)

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