• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: chamorroramona29
  • hace 3 años

imagino y escribo un diálogo entre León y el ratón​


chamorroramona29: ayuda porfavor


Respuesta dada por: moreiramilena193


En ingles?

- How dare you bother me? - roared the angry lion - I am the king of animals and nobody bothers me while I rest.


- I'm sorry Mr! - Said the mouse with an almost inaudible voice - It was not my intention to bother you. I was just having fun for a bit.

- And do you think those are ways to have fun? - answered the lion more and more indignant - I'm going to give you what you deserve!

- No Please! - Begged the mouse while trying to get away from the lion's heavy leg - Let me go. I promise you it won't happen again. Let me go home and maybe one day I can thank you.

- You? An insignificant mouse? I don't see what you can do for me.

- Please forgive me! - Said the mouse, who was crying desperately.


chamorroramona29: no en castellano
gloriaamarilla123: p u t o
chamorroramona29: puco
chamorroramona29: tonto Aprendis
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