• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pfrankq75
  • hace 2 años

me ayudan , por favor lo tengo que mandar a las 5.00 pm



Respuesta dada por: sofia1132


1 the youngest

2 the kindest

3 the oldest

4 the tallest  

5 the slowest

6 the funniest

7 the cleverest

8 the strongest

9 the shortest


pfrankq75: muchas garcias
Respuesta dada por: abigailalfaro


1.- Tom is the youngest child in the class

2.- Martina is the kindest girl in the school

3.- My father is the oldest person in the family

4.- Mason is the tallest boy in class

5.- Dev is the slowest child in swimming team

6.- Lily is the funniest girl in the school

7.- I am the most clever child in the class

8.- Superman is the strongest superhero

9.- Tania is the shortest child in the school

pfrankq75: muchas gracias
abigailalfaro: Denada :D
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