• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gonzalezperezemily31
  • hace 2 años

2. Write some ways to prevent the accidents in exercise 1. 1. To prevent accidents in the classroom, it's important to follow instructions 2. To prevent accidents in the it's important 3. To prevent accidents in the it's important 4. To prevent accidents in the it's important 5. To prevent accidents in the it's important nommer 6. To prevent accidents in the it's important​


Respuesta dada por: peruanaarmy610


Escriba algunas formas de prevenir accidentes en el ejercicio 1. 1. Para prevenir accidentes en el aula, es importante seguir las instrucciones 2. Para prevenir accidentes en el es importante 3. Para prevenir accidentes

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