• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: moraballesteros26
  • hace 2 años

Review 1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 While my sister finished / was finishing her homework, I put / was putting the dishes away.

2 My mum helped / was helping me to find a website after I asked / was asking her.

3 The TV documentary came / was coming to an end while I slept / was sleeping.

4 I take / was taking notes while I watched / was watching the programme on TV.

5 I thought / was thinking that the homework seemed / was seeming quite easy.

6 This time last year I studied / was studying at a Spanish school and I lived / was living in Valencia.

7 I broke / was breaking my watch while I played / was playing tennis.

8 My brother played /was playing his drums while I tried / was trying to study for my French exam!​


Respuesta dada por: carlosjam10


1. was finishing/I put

2.was helping me/ I asked

3. was coming/ I slept

4. was taking/ I watched

5. I thought/ seemed

6.was studying/I lived

7. I broke/ I was playing

8. was playing/ I was trying

moraballesteros26: muchas gracias!
carlosjam10: a la orden
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