• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danna9277
  • hace 2 años

.. Construir 2 preguntas con cada una de las wh questions y dar a cada una respuesta en ingles usando el pasado progresivo..



Respuesta dada por: carlosjam10


what were you doing yesterday? I was working at the mall

what was your sister studying last night?

she was studying for her English test

When were your parents eating pizza? they were eating pizza at 8PM

When was your sister playing tennis? she was playing tennis last Saturday.

where were your friends working last summer? they were working at the mall

where was your boyfriend last week? he was visiting his parents house

why was your boyfriend visiting his parents house? because he was supervising the construction work.

Why were you doing this English exercises late? because I was studying for a test.

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