• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: emmanuelc4d
  • hace 2 años

Ayuda por favor

Complete the blank spaces with the appropriate option.
A few/ many/ some/ a little/ an/ any/ a/ any/ enough/ much

1. There is _____________ orange in my bag.
2. How ____________ hamburgers did you eat?
3. There is _____________ sugar in my coffee. I want more.
4. There are _____________ eggs in the basket. You need to buy more.
5. Are there _____________ cookies in the box?
6. Is there ______________ sandwich in your lunch box?
7. How ________________ cheese would you like?
8. She doesn’t eat ______________ meat. She is vegetarian.
9. He has ____________ books, but maybe they are not ____________.


incognitte: 1. a
emmanuelc4d: ¿Cuál es A?
emmanuelc4d: A que tonto disculpa, je.
yocelinceleste: ??


Respuesta dada por: pepertupprap


1. There is a little

2. how many

3. there is an

4. there are a few

5. are there some

6. is there a

7. how much

8. she doesn't eat any

9. he has many. they are not enough


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