Vamos a practicar cómo describir a nuestros familiares! Lee las descripciones de cada una de las personas que conforman la familia de Valerie y, en tu cuaderno, escribe un párrafo para cada uno de ellos. Recuerda utilizar la forma correcta de los verbos: be, have, play, enjoy, like y dislike. Vamos a describir a “Valerie’s father” juntos, ¿te parece?
name: Pedro
age: 47
Job: Farmer
height: 160 cm (médium)
weight: 70 kg (Slim)
hair: short, black
eyes: small, black
looks: handsome
Clothes: Casual clothes
personality: Hard working , honest, responsable
Sports: football, wash movie.
Likes: chicken and soda
dislikes: Vegetables and sausages
Pedro´s father . He is 47 years old. He’s medium-height and he’s slim. He has short, black, short hair and he has small, black eyes, He’s handsome! He wears casual clothes for work, for example: shirt and jeans. He’s hard-working and honest. He plays football. In his free time, he goes fishing and watches movies. He likes chicken and soda. He dislikes vegetables and sausages.
name: Cecilia
age: 45
Job: housekeeper
height: 150 cm (short)
weight: 62 kg (Slim)
hair: Short, wavy, fair
eyes: small, dark coffee
looks: nice
Clothes: Casual
personality: helpful, cherfull.
Sports: swin
Likes: vegetables, fruits
dislikes: sausages, processed foods
Cecilia’s mother. She is 45 years old. She’s medium-height and she’s slim. She has short, black, wavy hair and she has small, dark coffee eyes, She’s nice! wear casual clothes. She’s helpful and cherfull. She plays swin. She likes vegetables and fruit. She dislikes sausages and proccessed foods.
name: Karla
age: 28
Job: auxiliary sales
height: 160 cm (medium)
weight: 57 kg. (Slim)
hair: Short, wavy, brown.
eyes: big, Brown
looks: pretty
Clothes: fashionables
personality: friendly, careful
Sports: softball, watches TV soaps
Likes: vegetables, fruits
dislikes: seafood, Pork Meat
Karla’s sister. She is28 years old. She’s medium-height and She’s slim. She has short, brown, wavy hair and she has big, brown eyes, She’s pretty! She wears smart clothes fashionables. She’s friendly and careful. She plays Softball. In his free time, he goes fishing and watches TV soaps. She likes vegetables and fruits. She dislikes seafood and pork meat.
name: Antonio
age: 20
Job: student
height: 160 cm (medium)
weight: 58 kg (Slim)
hair: Short, straight, black
eyes: Big, Bronw
looks: casual
Clothes: T-shirt, jeans
personality: helpful, intelligent
Sports: football, play musical instruments
Likes: cereals, spaghetti
dislikes: meats, seafood
Antonio’s brother. He is 20 years old. He’s medium-height and he’s slim. He has short, black, straight hair and he has big, bronw eyes, He’s casual! He wears a shirt and jeans. He’s helpful and intelligent. He plays football. In his free time, he goes and play musical instruments. He likes cereals and spaguetti. He dislikes meats and seafood.
name: Alonso
age: 75
Job: Farmer
height: 162 cm (médium)
weight: 63 kg (Slim)
hair: Short, grey
eyes: small, black
looks: wrinkled
Clothes: casual
personality: angry, impatient
Sports: nothing
Likes: chicken, fish
dislikes: cereals, vegetables
Alonso’s Grandfather. He is 75 years old. He’s medium-height and he’s slim. He has short, gray hair and he has small, black eyes, He’s wrinkled! He wears casual clothes for work, for example: dress pants and dress shirt. He’s angry and impatient. he doesn't like sports. He likes chicken and fish. He dislikes cereals and vegetables.