1. That is a dictionary
Those are a dictionaries
2. That is a baby
Those are a babies
3. This is a present
These are a presents
4. This is an umbrella
These are some umbrellas
5. That isn't a hamster
Those aren't hamsters
6. Is that a newspaper?
Are those a newspapers?
7. Is this a postcard?
Are these a postcards?
8. Is that a Spanish flag?
Are those a Spanish flag?
9. Is this a fly?
Are these a flies?
10. Is this a sheep?
Are these sheep?
Me imagino que estás viendo this / these, that / those y obviamente el plural de las palabras.
• These significa "estas" y es el plural de this (este)
• Those significa "esos" es el plural de that (eso)
Recuerda que:
→ That y those se usan para hablar de cosas que están lejos de algo o alguien
→ This y these se utilizan para decir cosas que están cerca
El plural de los sustantivos se forma agregando "s" mayormente. Si el sustantivo termina en consonante +y se elimina la -y y se agrega "ies" (baby / babies). En el ingles todo se divide en regular e irregular, pues está no es la excepción y también hay sustantivos regulares e irregulares.
→ Man - men (hombre / hombres)
→ Woman - women (mujer / mujeres)
→ Sheep - sheep (oveja / ovejas)
→ Thooth - theeth (diente / dientes)