• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sau14
  • hace 2 años

complete the following sentences in the Past and use the adverbs of time

(Completa las siguientes oraciones en el pasado y usa los adverbios de tiempo.)

a. My boss ………………………………. (have) a meeting yesterday.

b. We …………………………………….. ( not write) the emails for the companies

c. I …………………………………………….. ( not work) in the C&B Factory.

d. The assistants ………………………………….. ( phone) the clients.

e. She ……………………………………….. ( buy) some goods in the online web for the company.

f. The dollar …………………………………….. ( grow) hour by hour. ……..

g. …………….. she ……………………………..(have) a good internet service in her shop?

h. …………….. they …………………………………( study) the new security rules in the workshop área?

i. ……………… Sam ……………. (use) the transportation service for his Company.?

j. …………….. you ………………………………….. ( finish) the task for the meeting?

por favorrr lo necesito urgenteee​

NOSOYNADIE23: Te ayudo con la a,b,c y e: a. Had
b. didn't write
c. Didn't work
e. bought
NOSOYNADIE23: No t ayudo con las otras porq ia se me complicaron :/


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


a. had

b. did not write

c. did not work

d. phoned

e. bought

f. grew

g. Did - have

h. Did - study

i. Did - use

j. Did - finish


El pasado Simple Afirmativo. Tiene la siguiente estructura:

Sujeto + Verbo en Pasado + Complemento.

El pasado Simple Interrogativo ( yes no ) Tiene la siguiente estructura:

Did + Sujeto + Verbo en forma base + Complemento?

andresd1297: me ayudas porfa
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