• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ale2015pacheco
  • hace 2 años

Actividad de aprendizaje 1

Instrucciones: Contesta los siguientes ejercicios utilizando el pasado simple en afirmación, negación y pregunta.

1.– Completa las oraciones con was/wasn’t o were/weren’t.

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Michael Jackson (1)___was___ a very popular artist. He (2)______ born in 1958.

Last Saturday Carlos and Irma (3)________home. They (4) _______in the country all weekend.

I (5)_________worried because they (6)________lost.

(7)_______ Valentin and Isabel at the party? No, they (8)_________

For most people Pelé (9)_________one of the best soccer players in the world. What (10)______your favorite subject in high school? It (11)_________math.

2. Escribe el verbo de las siguientes oraciones en la forma negativa del pasado simple. 1 Andrea (go) _______________________to the cinema three times last week.

2 They (see) __________________a Coldplay concert.

3 We (get) __________________ up early for the wedding. 4It (snow)_____________________ a lot in Canada.

5 I (pick) ____________________ you up from the airport.

6 Megan (begin) _______________to go to the gym three years ago.

7 My brother (make)______________________ his bed very often.

8 Your family (spend) _________________________ five days in Dublin 9 The child (steal)_______________________ the coins from my pocket. 10 Jane and Peter (bring)________________ the same cake to the party!


Respuesta dada por: candeacost571


1) 1. was

2. was

3. weren't

4. were

5. was

6. were

7. were

8. weren't

9. was

10. was

11. was

2) 1. was gone

2. were saw

3. were got/gotten no se bien

4. was snowed

5. was picked

6. was begun creo

7. was made

8. were spent

9. was steal

10. were bring

candeacost571: espero te sirva
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