Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 I should have visit her earlier.
2 My sister wish she had spoken to John.
3 We wouldn’t been late if we had left on time.
4 They had gone skiing if there had been snow.
5 I wish I hadn’t write that comment on her post.
Correct the mistake in each sentence.
Respuestas en negrita:
1 I should have visit her earlier.
Answer 1: I should have visited her earlier.
Translation 1: Yo debería haberla visitado antes.
2 My sister wish she had spoken to John.
Answer 2: My sister wishes she had spoken to John.
Translation 2: Mi hermana desearía haber hablado con John.
3 We wouldn't been late if we had left on time.
Answer 3: We wouldn't have been late if we had left on time.
Translation 3: No habríamos llegado tarde si hubiéramos salido a tiempo.
4 They had gone skiing if there had been snow.
Answer 4: They would have gone skiing if there had been snow.
Translation 4: Ellos habrían ido a esquiar si hubiera nevado.
5 I wish I hadn't write that comment on her post.
Answer 5: I wish I hadn't written that comment on her post.
Translation 5: Ojalá no hubiera escrito ese comentario en su mensaje.
Michael Spymore
Espero que te ayude con esto :)