• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gustavorueda2000
  • hace 3 años

1. How many prepositions you can you see? Turn them into BOLD
2. How many prepositional phrases can you see? Underline them

The house was situated on the corner of a quiet street, within walking distance of the city centre. The high, wooden fence in front of the house made it very private, and the black, wrought-iron gates gave it an air of distinction. Through the gates, you could see a paved courtyard and, beyondthe courtyard, the house itself.
The house was painted white, with mahogany-coloured doors and windows. There was a garage at the side which had mahogany-coloured double doors. The colours blended nicely and created a subdued tasteful effect, which was enhanced by the raised beds of evergreen shrubs, near the fence, and the bed of heathers surrounded by cobbles in front of the main window.
It was a semi-detached house, decorated in mild, pastel colours. The kitchen was quite large, and looked onto a walled garden with yet more evergreen shrubs, and an ancient apple tree. There was a pretty lawn in the centre with flagstone paths. A shed was half-hidden behind the apple tree.

Immediately outside the rear windows, beyond the kitchen, there was a partly-covered veranda. The open part of the veranda was bordered by a low wall. Two, low, brick pillars framed the steps that led down into the garden.
Complete each sentence with one word or phrase from the box. Use each word or phrase once only.


Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

Respuesta: 1) 17 preposiciones ; 12 frases preposicionales.


1) The house was situated ①on the corner ②of a quiet street, ③within walking distance ②of the city centre. The high, wooden fence ④in front of the house made it very private, and the black, wrought-iron gates gave it an air ②of distinction. ⑤Through the gates, you could see a paved courtyard and, ⑥beyond the courtyard, the house itself.

The house was painted white, ⑦with mahogany-coloured doors and windows. There was a garage ⑧at the side which had mahogany-coloured double doors. The colours blended nicely and created a subdued tasteful effect, which was enhanced ⑨by the raised beds ②of evergreen shrubs, ⑩near the fence, and the bed ④of heathers surrounded ⑨by cobbles ④in front of the main window.

It was a semi-detached house, decorated ⑪in mild, pastel colours. The kitchen was quite large, and looked ⑫onto a walled garden ⑦with yet more evergreen shrubs, and an ancient apple tree. There was a pretty lawn ⑪in the centre ⑦with flagstone paths. A shed was half-hidden ⑬behind the apple tree.

Immediately ⑭outside the rear windows, ⑥beyond the kitchen, there was a partly-covered veranda. The open part ②of the veranda was bordered ⑨by a low wall. Two, low, brick pillars framed the steps that led ⑮down into the garden.

Complete each sentence ⑦with one word or phrase ⑰from the box. Use each word or phrase once only.


La casa estaba situada en la esquina de una calle tranquila, a poca distancia del centro de la ciudad. La cerca alta de madera delante de la casa la hacía muy privada, y las puertas negras de hierro forjado le daban un aire de distinción. A través de las puertas se veía un patio pavimentado y, más allá del patio, la casa misma.

La casa estaba pintada de blanco, con puertas y ventanas de color caoba. Había un garaje al lado que tenía puertas dobles de color caoba. Los colores se mezclaron muy bien y crearon un sutil efecto de buen gusto, que fue realzado por los lechos elevados de arbustos de hoja perenne, cerca de la valla, y el lecho de brezos rodeados de adoquines delante de la ventana principal.

Era una casa adosada, decorada en suaves colores pastel. La cocina era bastante grande y daba a un jardín amurallado con más arbustos de hoja perenne y un viejo manzano. Había un bonito césped en el centro con senderos enlosados. Un cobertizo estaba medio oculto detrás del manzano.

Inmediatamente fuera de las ventanas traseras, más allá de la cocina, había una galería parcialmente cubierta. La parte abierta de la galería estaba rodeada por un muro bajo. Dos pilares bajos de ladrillo enmarcaban los escalones que conducían al jardín.

Complete cada oración con una palabra o frase del cuadro. Utilice cada palabra o frase una sola vez.

1) Preposiciones:

① on ↪ en  

② of ↪ de  

③ within ↪ dentro, dentro de  

④ in front of ↪ delante de  

⑤ through ↪ a través  

⑥ beyond ↪ más allá  

⑦ with ↪ con  

⑧ at ↪ en, a, de, por  

⑨ by ↪ por, para  

⑩ near ↪ cerca de  

⑪ in ↪ en, dentro de

⑫ onto ↪ sobre, encima de  

⑬ behind ↪ detrás  

⑭ outside ↪ fuera de  

⑮ down ↪ abajo  

⑯ into ↪ dentro  

⑰ from ↪ de, desde

2) Prepositional phrases: son grupos de palabras que comienzan con una preposición, tienen un sustantivo o pronombre objeto de la preposición y cualquier modificador del objeto.  Las frases preposicionales pueden ser adverbiales o adjetivales según modifiquen un verbo o un sustantivo respectivamente.

① "on the corner of a quiet street,"  

② "within walking distance of the city centre."

③ "beyond the courtyard, the house itself."

④ "with mahogany-coloured doors and windows."

⑤ "by the raised beds of evergreen shrubs,"

⑥ "in front of the main window."

⑦ "in mild, pastel colours."

⑧ "onto a walled garden with yet more evergreen shrubs, and an ancient apple tree."

⑨ "with flagstone paths."

⑩ "behind the apple tree."

⑪ "by a low wall."

⑫ "down into the garden."

Michael Spymore

Anónimo: Gracias
lesliegomez45: gracias
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