• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: barbij
  • hace 2 años

a Complete the sentences with the verb in the past continuous.

1) I took this photo when we_____
in Greece. (travel)
2) He met his wife when he_____
in Japan. (live)
3) _____she_____ a coat when she went out? (wear)
4.) The sun_____when I went to work. (shine)
5) What_____you at 7.30 last night (do)
6) I______when you gave the
instructions. (not listen)
7) They______TV when I arrived (not watch)
8) It started to rain when we_____in
the park (run)


Respuesta dada por: FearfulAngel

aca vas :)

1) I took this photo when we traveled  in Greece.

2) He met his wife when he lived in Japan.  

3) didnt she wear a coat when she went out?  

4.) The sun shined when I went to work.  

5) What did you do at 7.30 last night  

6) I didnt listen when you gave the  instructions.  

7) They didnt watch TV when I arrived

8) It started to rain when we were running in  the park

Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las siguientes oraciones con el verbo en past continuous:

1) I took this photo when we were traveling in Greece. (travel)

2) He met his wife when he was living in Japan. (live)

3) Was she wearing a coat when she went out? (wear)

4) The sun was shining when I went to work. (shine)

5) What were you doing at 7.30 last night? (do)

6) I wasn't listening when you gave the instructions. (not listen)

7) They weren't watching TV when I arrived. (not watch)

8) It started to rain when we were running in the park. (run)

¿Para qué se usa el past continuous?

Se utiliza para hablar de una acción que ocurrió en el pasado y continúo durante cierto periodo de tiempo. Se debe usar el verbo “to be” para construir este tiempo verbal. Las oraciones afirmativas tienen la siguiente estructura dependiendo del sujeto de la oración:

  • Sujeto (I, he, she, it) + was + verbo en ing + complemento.
  • Sujeto (you, we, they) + were + verbo en ing + complemento.

Aprende más sobre el pasado continuo (past continuous) aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/14665739


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