• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: emillymorales11
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones enunciativas empleando el tiempo futuro
por favor es urgente es para una nivelación..


Respuesta dada por: kellytasurf
1 This week we will visit the aunt.2 The president is thinking of not running for office at the next election.3 Going to sail relaxes me from all my pressures.4 The winter ends tomorrow.5 Last week we toured all the neighboring cities.6 The city of Marrakesh is the most beautiful I have ever seen.
7 My name is Felicitas, but they tell me Feli.8 I do not understand how you can go out with him.9 I am fully opposed to that bill.10 The sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse
Respuesta dada por: alexandrasilvaja
Wait outside. (Espera afuera)Come back later. (Regresa más tarde)Sit there. (Siéntate allí)Leave the bags there. (Deja las bolsas allí)Let me talk with her. (Déjame hablar con ella)Tell him about it. (Dígale al respecto)Open the door. (Abra la puerta)Close the door. (Cierre la puerta)Send me money. (Envíame dinero)
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