• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kevinnnnn
  • hace 9 años

20 oraciones del non action verbs con un auxiliar


Respuesta dada por: danapaola18435
- She´s thinking about him //// She thinks you´re nice
- He loves eating chocolate //// He´s loving it!
- They have a very expensive car //// They are having a wonderful time!
-Mary feels good.  Mary se siente bien.
-I am very happy. Yo estoy muy contenta.
-She looks very nice in that dress. Ella se ve bien con ese vestido.
Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

Un non action verb es un verbo que no describe una acción. En inglés, los non action verbs incluyen verbos como "ser", "estar", "tener", "haber", "parecer" y "sentir".

Oraciones del non action verbs con un auxiliar:

  1. I am not watching TV.
  2. You are not listening to music.
  3. He is not studying for his test.
  4. She is not cleaning her room.
  5. It is not raining outside.
  6. We are not playing games.
  7. They are not eating dinner.
  8. I am not going to the store.
  9. You are not walking the dog.
  10. He is not mowing the lawn.
  11. She is not cooking dinner.
  12. It is not snowing outside.
  13. We are not doing our homework.
  14. They are not taking a nap.
  15. I am not reading a book.
  16. You are not writing a letter.
  17. He is not washing the dishes.
  18. She is not vacuum-cleaning the living room.
  19. It is not getting dark outside.
  20. We are not going to bed.

Aprende más sobre los adverbios en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/3020127

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