• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fran123405
  • hace 9 años

una redaccion de ingles sobre ventajas e inconvenientes de ir de compras con tu fammili(con introduccion nudo conclusion)es urgente la necesito lo antes posible(mas o menos 15 líneas PARA NIVEL DE 3ºESO



Respuesta dada por: marbv26
The holidays are approaching and sooner or later you have to go shopping to buy presents.Most of us like to bring someone along ( usually a family member)to help us  cope with the holiday stress, but is it always the best idea?
On one hand they can help you decide on what present suits better each person because if they are from you're family they most probably know them.
they can also help you carry the shopping bags because they don't seem that heavy , but believe me they are.
And if you are as forgetful as I am it's also helpful to have someone to remind you of what you have to do by you're side.
On the other hand tho , they can be annoying if they criticize what you are buying , and if you want to go through the shops quickly they may slow you down.
In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages to bringing a family member to go shopping with you but wether to bring them along or not is up to you.
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