• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lisbeth82hernandezji
  • hace 3 años

El conejo y la tortuga traducirlo tiempo pasado en ingles​


Respuesta dada por: kristaC



Once upon a time, thre was a really fast and vain rabbit. He was the fastest animal in town. In the same village was a slowly turtle. He was the slowest animal in town. One day, the turtle tired about the vainity of the rabbit, he dare him to a chase. The rabbit laughing, acepted. The whole town was preparating everything for the chase.

The big day arrived and the both runners were preparing themselfes to start. An old owl began talkin in a megaphone and seconds later give the green flag to de chace to start. The rabbit was running as fast as he could. Such as the turttle, although for him it was fast, he was actually very slow.

The rabbit very close to the finish, at not seeing the turtle decided to take a nap. He fell beside a tree. In the other hand, the turtle never stoped. He keep moving on and on. At once he passed the rabbit and arrived before him, becoming the winner.

lisbeth82hernandezji: muchas gracias ❤️ bendiciones
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