• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hndioneth29
  • hace 2 años

Tanishq Abraham is a child prodigy. When he was only four years old, in 2007, he scored 99.9 on an IQ test. He (1) _____________several university degrees – in maths, physics, science and foreign languages. *

is holding




Tanishq (2) _________ a wide range of interests, so how does he decide what to study? ‘If I find something that interests me,’ he says, ‘I read a book on it, and then start to do research. *

is having




I sometimes (3) _________ in touch with scientists, too, and learn from them.’ *

am getting




This multi-talented Indian-American child (4) _________ to run for president of the USA. *

is aspiring




But that can only happen when he’s 35. In the meantime, he (5) ________ to become a doctor. *

is studying





Respuesta dada por: CiaraK


1. Holds

2. Has

3. Get

4. Aspires

5. Is studying

Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las siguientes oraciones sobre Tanishq Abraham con las opciones correctas, colocando los verbos en presente simple o presente continuo:

Tanishq Abraham is a child prodigy. When he was only four years old, in 2007, he scored 99.9 on an IQ test. He (1) holds several university degrees – in maths, physics, science and foreign languages. *

Tanishq (2) has a wide range of interests, so how does he decide what to study? ‘If I find something that interests me,’ he says, ‘I read a book on it, and then start to do research.’

I sometimes (3) gets in touch with scientists, too, and learn from them.’

This multi-talented Indian-American child (4) aspires to run for president of the USA.

But that can only happen when he’s 35. In the meantime, he (5) is studying to become a doctor.

¿Cuándo se usa el present simple?

Cuando se hace referencia a las acciones que se hacen de forma constante en el presente. Las oraciones afirmativas se escriben con la siguiente estructura:

Sujeto + verbo en presente + complemento.

¿Cuándo se usa el presente continuo?

Se usa cuando hablamos de acciones que se están haciendo en el momento o planes a futuro. Las oraciones afirmativas tienen la siguiente estructura dependiendo del sujeto de la oración:

  • Sujeto (I) + am + verbo en ing + complemento.
  • Sujeto (he, she, it) + is + verbo en ing + complemento.
  • Sujeto (you, we, they) + are + verbo en ing + complemento.

Para ver más oraciones en presente simple y presente continuo puedes consultar aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/243548 y brainly.lat/tarea/132282


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