• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lunamamani
  • hace 2 años

2.- Choose the correct option
a) Lorena didn’t played/didn’t play the guitar.
b) Did you meet/You did meet your friends?
c) Nelly didn’t won/didn’t win the game.
d) The babies didn’t cry/didn’t cried at night.
e) Did they took /take the rubbish away?
f) Didn’t Alice flew/fly to Beirut last Sunday?
h)I didn’t visit/visited my grandparents last Monday.
i)Did your friends order/ordered any fast food?
j) My uncle didn’t wore/wear glasses.

lunamamani: ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Respuesta dada por: kpopernecesitayuda


a.- lorena didn't played the guitar

b.- did you met your friends?

c.- nelly didn't won the game

d.- the babies didn't cried at night

e.-  did the took the rubbish away?

f.- didn't alice flew to beirut last sunday?

g.- i didn't visit my grandparents last monday.

h.- did your friend order any fast food?

i.- my uncle didn't wore glasses

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