• Asignatura: Salud
  • Autor: catalinamarisol
  • hace 2 años

Que ideas nuevas ha logrado comprender en torno al cuidado de la salud respiratorias ​


Respuesta dada por: Lionvelazquex


El impacto global de la Enfermedad Respiratoria

– Segunda edición – [Español]

Foro de las Sociedades Respiratorias Internacionales

Cite esta publicación como:

Foro de las Sociedades Respiratorias Internacionales. El impacto gobal

de la Enfermedad Respiratoria – Segunda edición. México, Asociación

Latinoamericana de Tórax, 2017.


Portada. Mother with her child hospitalised for respiratory disease in South


© Dr Rudzani Muloiwa.

Pág. 9. The air we breathe. © 2012 SLR club, Courtesy of Photoshare.

Pág. 10/11. A man in India consults a physician after a potential infection

with tuberculosis.

© 2011 Benoit Matsha-Carpentier/IFRC, Courtesy of Photoshare.

Pág. 13. Lung testing as part of the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign at the

European Respiratory Society 2016 Congress in London. © Jared Pepallo.

Pág. 15. Family members in Zambia listen as a doctor shows them how to

manage their daughter’s asthma. © 2012 Malcolm Spence/On Call Africa,

Courtesy of Photoshare.

Pág. 17. A young boy takes a breathing treatment after his first bout with

pneumonia in southeast New Mexico, USA. © 2010 Amber Willier, Courtesy

of Photoshare.

Pág. 18/19. A nurse vaccinates a four-month-old baby in the Nueva Segovia

state of Nicaragua on the northern border with Honduras. © 2008 Adrian

Brooks, Courtesy of Photoshare.

Pág. 20. In Cambodia, a

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