• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ikiu
  • hace 2 años

Quien me ayuda porfa
Ponerla en forma interrogativa y negativa
she went to eat potatoes with her friend
I wrote a text on the computer
I have to go to France the other month
she went to buy an ice cream
I have to cut wood
she is going to put a job


Respuesta dada por: gloria1982morel


gracias manadbrbnfjfjgjfjfkfkjfkrjejrjjfirirkjejwjhqfderwudkkfiekdkjdnfnd

Respuesta dada por: jhonalejandrocarreno


went she to eat potatoes with her friend?

she went not to eat potatoes with her friend

wrote I a text on the computer?

I wrote not a text on the computer

have I to go to France the other month ?

I have not to go to France the other month

went she to buy an ice cream ?

She went not to buy an ice cream

have I to cut wood ?

I have not to cut wood

is she going to put a job ?

She is not going to put a job

espero te sirva sigeme

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