• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fandeinuyasha500
  • hace 2 años

Observe las respuestas y agregue palabra correcta para formar la pregunta de información.

a. ______________ is your favorite food? It´s pizza.

b. ______________ time is the english class? It´s at 7:00

c. ______________ are you late? Because I missed the bus.

d. ______________ are your hobbies? To collect stamps and coins.

e. ______________ are you? I am 13.

f. ______________ is Susan´s birthday? Next Friday.

g. ______________ your favorite movie? It ´s Harry Potter.

h. ______________are you, Sally? Very well, thanks, and you?

i. ______________ is the stadium? Down the Street.
si no saben no respondan o los reporto


Respuesta dada por: PoliseroCarcacha


A What


C Why

D What


fandeinuyasha500: gracias
Respuesta dada por: arianarennis


a. What is your favorite food? It´s pizza.

b. What time is the English class? It´s at 7:00

c. Why are you late? Because I missed the bus.

d. What are your hobbies? To collect stamps and coins.

e. How old are you? I am 13.

f. When is Susan's birthday? Next Friday.

g. What is your favorite movie? It ´s Harry Potter.

h. How are you, Sally? Very well, thanks, and you?

i. Where is the stadium? Down the Street.

Espero haberte ayudado<3

fandeinuyasha500: gracias
arianarennis: de nada<3
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