• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: munozalejandra581
  • hace 3 años

como se pronuncia esto

I get up at 8:00 am I bathe my son I dress him and brush him I give him his breakfast then I bathe I dress and brush I help my mother with the housework At 12:30 we have lunch as a family after lunch I wash them dirty dishes I rest for a while and do homework until 6:00 pm then he got me ready to go do dance therapy I get home I bathe and go to bed watching television with my baby until I fall asleep.​


Respuesta dada por: carlavitorhurtado22


ai get at eich o clock am ai beith mai sun ai drues jim hes brekfast den hauswork at chuelf tertin wi jave lanch as a famili after lanch ai wash dem dirti dishes ai rest for den ji got jom ai bath and gou to bed watchin televishion with mai beibi antil ai fall aslip



Respuesta dada por: solorzanoodalys


Ay ket op at eit ei em ay beid mai son ay dres jim en brosh jim ay guiv jim jis breikfas den ay beid ay dres en brosh ay jelp mai moder wid de jauswor at tuelf tery wi jaf lonch as e famili after lonch ay wash dem diry dishes ay rest for e wuail en du jomwor ontil six pi em den ji got mi redi tu gou du dens derafy ay ket jom ay bed en gou tu bed wochin televishion wid may beibi ontil ay fol eslip


de nada ;)

carlavitorhurtado22: no entiendo
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