• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: julianaalzateoso2020
  • hace 2 años

Llene el espacio con la forma verbal correspondiente utilizando el verbo que está en el paréntesis
1. You ……………… (arrive) in Bogotá last week.
2. My mum ……….... (study) Russian at university.
3. I ………….. (phone) you yesterday, but you weren’t at home.
4. I ……………….. (not play) cards with my friends.
5. We ……………….. (not eat) in that restaurant.
6. ……… you work hard? Yes, …………………….
7. ………. She find the box? Yes, ……………………
8. Did you do your homework? No,…………………


Respuesta dada por: ferns1877

1. arrived



4.not playing

5.not eating

6.his .... word hard

7.have .... find the box

8. .... do you homework

julianaalzateoso2020: muchas garcias
Respuesta dada por: jikookbebes1301


1. Arrived

2. Studied

3. Phoned

4. Not played

5. Not eated

6. Did you work hard? Yes, I worked hard.

7. Did she find the box? Yes, she found the box.

8. Did you do you homework? No, I didn't do my homework.


Espero poder ayudarte.

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