• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pawankrbanka33
  • hace 2 años

essay of 250 words on ' the impact of modern entertainment on school children today '​


Respuesta dada por: alemartinezubeda


Positive impact of entertainment on education, cultural and social life of the individual and society.

The enormous boom in this field has had a direct impact on the level of consciousness of today's childhood. They are better educated and educated than their predecessors. While team activities such as games and expeditions instill team spirit, develop social courage and social skills, television and radio provide a boost to your level of consciousness.

They also help distribute desirable cultural, social norms and values. The new millennium has seen the advent of a solid medium of education and entertainment through the web.

In fact, this will prove to be a boon to students for self-development and career planning. Society, in turn, is more progressive and enjoys a higher standard of living than in the past.

Negative impact due to degradation of morale, resulting in crime.

The only disturbing element in this boom is the slow degeneration of moral values ​​in society.

This is the result of the overexposure of violence and sex to impressionable minds. The appeal of some media such as film, television and the Internet is so great that people are hooked on it. In fact, this is very harmful, as it distracts them from their work and studies, causing them to lead a recluse life.

The most devastating consequences of overindulgence are, if people try to emulate their role models in movies and television, it ultimately leads them to offense. It is not uncommon to see many budding careers die off, even before they can flourish.


words: 258

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