• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paris7248
  • hace 2 años

Black Friday
Black Friday refers to the day just after Thanksgiving
in the US. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth
Thursday of November. Black Friday is not an official
holiday, but most of the employees are given the day
off. Black Friday is the start of the holiday shopping
season. Many stores have big sales on Black Friday and
a lot of people get really excited about shopping on this
day. Since most stores offer great deals on Black Friday,
lots of shoppers spend hours outside the stores waiting
for them to open and be able to get TVs, laptops and
many different goods at very low prices. The situation
can be tense sometimes, and some customers may be
rude and even violent if they don't find the things they
were looking forward to buying. In recent years, Black
Friday has become popular in other countries as well.
For example, here in Mexico it is known as the “Buen
Fin". It is not held on the same date as the Black Friday,
but it was created after it.

1. When is the Black Friday celebrated?

2. Why is it so special?

3. What do some costumers do to make sure they will
be able to buy what they want?

me ayudan por favor se los agradecería muchísimo ​


Respuesta dada por: widisvanessa

1. Inglés: Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth

Thursday of November.

Español: El día de acción de gracias se celebra el cuarto jueves de noviembre.

2. Ingles: Black Friday is the start of the holiday shopping

Español: El Black Friday es el comienzo de las compras navideñas

3. Inglés: lots of shoppers spend hours outside the stores waiting for them to open and be able to get TVs, laptops and many different goods at very low prices.

Español: muchos compradores pasan horas fuera de las tiendas esperando para que abran y puedan obtener televisores, computadoras portátiles y muchos productos diferentes a precios muy bajos.

espero y te sirva

paris7248: muchas gracias te agradezco
Respuesta dada por: DBAD

Black Friday is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving, I'll tell you more about it.

Answers to questions about Black Friday

Below I indicate the answers to the questions about Black Friday, according to what was said in the text:

  • ¿When is Black Friday celebrated?: Black Friday is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving, the last Friday in November.
  • ¿Why it's so special: It's so special because many stores offer deep discounts and it marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season.
  • ¿What do some customers do to make sure they buy what they want?: Some of them spend hours outside the stores so that when they open, they will be the first to enter.

En español

El Black Friday se celebra el día después de acción de gracias, te hablaré más sobre él.

Respuestas a preguntas sobre el Black Friday

A continuación te indico las respuestas a las preguntas sobre el Black Friday, de acuerdo a lo dicho en el texto:

  1. ¿Cuándo se celebra el Black Friday?: el Black Friday se celebra el día después de acción de gracias, el último viernes de noviembre.
  2. ¿Por qué es tan especial?: es tan especial porque muchas tiendas ofrecen grandes descuentos y marca el comienzo de la temporada de compras decembrinas.
  3. ¿Qué hacen algunos clientes para asegurarse de comprar lo que quieren?: algunos de ellos pasan horas fuera de las tiendas para que cuando abran, sean los primeros en entrar.

Otra consulta sobre Black Friday en https://brainly.lat/tarea/22666212


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