• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elimi5lemawenfer
  • hace 9 años

experimentos en inglés?


Respuesta dada por: fernandanicole1
Bubbling Lava Lamp

* Clean, plastic soda bottle, glass, jar, orBaby Soda Bottle Test Tube 
* Soda bottle cap
* Vegetable oil (the cheaper the better)
* Food coloring * Alka-Seltzer tablet or Fizzy Tablets
* Flashlight
* Water

1. Fill the bottle 3/4 full with vegetable oil.
2. Fill the rest of the bottle with water (almost to thetop but not overflowing).
3. Add about 10 drops of food coloring. Be sure to make the water fairly dark in color. Notice that the food coloring only colors the water and not the oil. Hmmm...
4.Divide the Alka-Seltzer tablet into 8 pieces.
5. Drop one of the tiny pieces of Alka-Seltzer into the oil and water mixture. Watch what happens. When the bubbling stops, add another chunk ofAlka-Seltzer. It’s just like a lava lamp!
6. If you want to make it even more "lave-like," put your bottle on a flashlight and turn the room lights off. 
7. When you have used up all of theAlka-Seltzer and the bubbling has completely stopped, screw on the soda bottle cap. Tip the bottle back and forth and watch a wave appear. The tiny droplets of liquid join together to make one big lava-likeblob.
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