• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Marshekinah123
  • hace 9 años

Hola q tal? Necesito por favor una redaccion de mis últimas vacaciones hecha con pasado simple y presente continuo de 175 palabras un ejemplo por favor


Respuesta dada por: realysofia6
I went to the beach, I went to a motel in Miami and its so good in Miami, then I saw show TV in my house, I singin in shower jajajaja no is a yoke i sleep in the motel, in my vacations i went to the park and i play soccer and its so good, in the cinema i saw a movie and the movie its so romantic i cry so much, finally i travel to my country but i missing Miami because is a city incredible, now another vacation i will go to Orlando, USA and then i will go to see all Disney i know that this park its so beutifull, i will go to Orlando with my family

realysofia6: espero que te ayude
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