• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 01xaxelxoWu
  • hace 2 años

ayuda :c si no sabes no escribas o seras baneado

can- could-will be able to

6. We ______ compete in basketball next week.
7. They ______ ride their bikes well now.
8. Pam ______ make that photo last year.
9. Dan _____ repair his computer by himself tomorrow.
10. I ______ cook this tasty cake now.
11. Lola ______ run better last year. 12. They ______ train in the gym in two days.
13. We ______ talk about it next weekend.​

fherbueno6: ok no contesto
fherbueno6: porque no se
fherbueno6: chhaaoiki
01xaxelxoWu: tenga un buen dia gran hombre
fherbueno6: uste tanbien
christophercarocruz0: Are Are si
christophercarocruz0: whant
01xaxelxoWu: tenes que poner can could will be able to


Respuesta dada por: aguilatorre19


6. We will be able to compete in basketball next week.

7. They can ride their bikes well now.

8. Pam could make that photo last year.

9. Dan will be able to repair his computer by himself tomorrow.

10. I can cook this tasty cake now.

11. Lola could run better last year.  12. They will be able to train in the gym in two days.

13. We will be able to talk about it next weekend.​

Por si tienes dudas, me guié por el tiempo que se especifica, ya que todos hablan sobre poder. Si tienes alguna consulta no dudes en preguntarme. Espero haberte ayudado. :)

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