• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: D4N1ELsdlg
  • hace 9 años

Necesito la pronunciacion de esto aiuda plox :"v.
Dog breeds are not scientifically defined as a biological classification; they are groups defined by amateur clubs called the breed club. A dog breed is represented by a sufficient number of individuals who steadily transfer their specific characteristics through generations. Dogs of the same breed have similar characteristics in appearance and behavior, especially since they come from a select set of ancestors that had the same characteristics. Dogs of a specific breed or true breed, produce animals very similar to the parents. A dog is named member of a breed through ancestry tests, through genetic analysis or written records of his or her ancestry. Without such evidence, identification of a specific race is unreliable. These registries, called race register, can be in the hands of individuals, clubs or other organizations.

hazellopezrivas: la traducción o como se lee?
D4N1ELsdlg: como se lee


Respuesta dada por: hazellopezrivas
doc brids are not sientifical defind as a biolollical clasifiqueishon dei are grups difaind bay aimechur clups cald de brid club. a doc brid is riprisented bay a suficient nomber of individual ju estelidi transfer deir espesific caractiristics trouth yenereishons .docs of de saim brid have similar caractiristics in apirens begeibord espesialli sains dey come from a select set of asentors dad had de saim caracteristics .docs of a especific brid or tru brid produs animals beri similar to de parents . a doc is naim member of a brid  trout ancestri .widouth such evidense identification of a espesific reis is onrileable .dis registris cald reise register can be in de jands of indivudals ,clubs or oder organiseishons ..........
espero que te sirva es dificil escribir la pronunciación te deseo suerte :)

D4N1ELsdlg: gracias :D
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