• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tvandreakarla
  • hace 2 años

Completa las siguientes oraciones con could, would, must, can, might, should, ya sea en forma afirmativa o negativa.

My brother _________________ like to study French he wants to study English. *
People _______________ smoke in close public areas. *
___________ you like to be a doctor in the future? *
TV programs __________________ have too much violence which is bad for the audience. *
The rain ___________ stop soon. *
______ you lend me some money? *
You _______________ be quiet in a library or they'll ask you to leave. *
If you have a backache you____________ lift anything heavy! That's what the doctors say... *
As a boy I ________________ speak English but now I can. *
I _____________ walk on my hands. Loo


Respuesta dada por: corb4n

My brother MIGHT like to study French he wants to study English. *
People SHOULD NOT smoke in close public areas. *
WOULD you like to be a doctor in the future? *
TV programs CAN have too much violence which is bad for the audience. *
The rain MUST stop soon. *
WOULD you lend me some money? *
You SHOULD be quiet in a library or they'll ask you to leave. *
* If you have a backache you CANNOT lift anything heavy! That's what the doctors say...
As a boy I WOULDN'T speak English but now I can.
I CANT walk on my hands. Loo
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