Palabra // significado
1. Autophilia: loving loneliness
2. Onychophagia: habit of biting the nails
3. Clismafilia: love of cloudy and gray days
4. Agorafilia: attraction to open spaces
5. Sibylline: incomprehensible, mysterious person
6. Mourning: sad, funereal
7. Peek: look carefully
8. End of the century: end of the century
9. Dilettante: fond of knowledge
10. Uninjured: healthy, no injury
11. Trifle: insignificant, smallness
12. Tanorexia: addiction to tanning
13. Fatuo: not very durable
14. Bizarre: strange, uncommon behavior
15. Ataraxia: serenity
16. Nictofilia: love of the night and the dark
17. Garoso: selfish, stingy
18. Emulate: imitate
19. Vilify: offender
20. Crapulous: Scoundrel
21. I find: resentment
22. Demophobia: fear of crowds
23. Corfomania: obsession with dancing
24. Oniomania: compulsion to buy
25. Worldly: world environment without God
26. Gloomy: sad and gloomy
27. Neophyte: new to a group or knowledge
28. Clean: clean
29. Unknown: undiscovered
30. Dissent: not accepting
31. Galen. Doctor
32. Entropy: wear
33. Aeons: very long time
34. Sampler: model
35. Gulet:sailing boat
36. Zaino:traitor
37. Inclito :illustrious
38. Ablution washing
39. Apostate:deny your religion
40. Diada:couple
41Exempt: not submitted
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47giraffe :
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