• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: al989057po6a
  • hace 2 años

EX 4 Complete los espacios en blanco usando primero las opciones AM - IS-ARE según corresponda y en el segundo espacio en
Banco debe escribir el verbo que esta entre parentesis en PROGRESIVO
1- She
at the park. (WALK)
Volleyball. (PLAY)
ſaster. (RUN)
4. He
a new phone (USE)
5.- We
the true. (TELL)
loud. (BARK)
a headache. (HAVE)
hard. (WORK)
19.- You
the dishes. (WASH)
around. (SEE)
11.- They
the wood. (CUT)
12- We
pizza (EAT)
a bike. (RIDE)
14.- She
water. (DRINK)
15.- They
Biology, (STUDY)

al989057po6a: AYUDA


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


She is walking at the park

She is playing volleyball

She is running faster

he is using a new phone

we are telling the true

no se entiende la 6

he is working hard

you are washing the dishes

she is seeing around

they are cutting the wood

we are eating pizza

we are riding a bike

she is drinking water

they are studying biologi


Es muy facil de hacer si te concentras.

Respuesta dada por: Bridgesi

1. She IS WALKING at the park.

2. I AM PLAYING volleyball.

3. You ARE RUNNING faster.

4. He IS USING a new phone.

5. We ARE TELLING the truth.

6. He IS BARKING loud

7. She IS HAVING a headache

8. He IS WORKING hard.

9. You ARE WASHING the dishes.

10. She IS SEEING around.

11. They ARE CUTTING the wood.

12. We ARE EATING pizza.

13. We ARE RIDING a bike

14. She IS DRINKING water.

15. They ARE STUDYING biology.

En la 2, 3, 6, 7 y 13 no ví ningún sujeto, pero les añadí unos ahí. Por si esos no eran, esta es la estructura del progressive:

Sujeto + verbo "to be" + verbo con -ing

Y las conjugaciones para el "to be":


You Are

He/She IS



They ARE

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