• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gutierritosalexander
  • hace 2 años

Alguien me podria ayudar a contestar esto: Se lo agradecería demasiado

Underline the correct answer:

a) I prefer coffe (to/than/from) tea.

b) I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather (go/to go/going) to the cinema

c)Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer (walking/walk) in the mountains

d) I prefer trains (to/than/from) cars.

e) I'm not a big fan of cars; I prefer (travel/travelling) by train.

f) If I had a choice, I think I'd rather (live/living) in Paris than in London.

g) They'd rather have lunch inside, but I'd prefer (eating/to eat/eat) outside in the garden.

h) I'd rather speak to him in person (than discuss/discussing/to discuss) things over the phone.


Respuesta dada por: bigbaldhead69
  1. than
  2. to go
  3. walk
  4. than
  5. travel
  6. living
  7. eat
  8. than discuss

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