• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nathaliahernandez091
  • hace 3 años

cambiar estás oraciones a presente simple. 1. she is studying English now. 2. he is playing football right now. 3. they are working in that office. 4. her father is doing his job. 5. he is watching TV.

porfaaa lo necesito ahora estoy dando muchos puntos..​


Respuesta dada por: solparodi162007


1) She study English.

2) He play football.

3) They work at a office.

4) His father work.

5) He watch TV.

No sé si está del todo bien, pero espero haberte ayudado! :)

Respuesta dada por: Iamsese


1. She studies English.

2. He plays football.

3. They works in that office.

4. Her father does his job.

5. He watches Tv.


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