• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: djdifer
  • hace 9 años

cuento de ingles inventado en ingles y español

D4N1ELsdlg: de lo que sea?
djdifer: si
D4N1ELsdlg: ok
djdifer: ok va


Respuesta dada por: D4N1ELsdlg
avia una vez un niño que no tenia muchas opurtunidades. Crecio en un pobre hogar y con humillacion de sus compañeros de clase ya que lo menospreciaban por ser de color y descuidado en los estudios sus calificaciones eran bajas. Todos le decian tonto, idi0ta y que no podia aser nada bien. Su madre viendo su mal rendimiento en la escuela y la falta de fe en el lo ayudaba dandole consejos, le ayudo a crecer su imaginacion, inteligencia y lo mas importante creer en si mismo.

There was once a child who did not have many opportunities. He grew up in a poor home and with humiliation of his classmates since they despised him for being of color and neglected in the studies his qualifications were low. They all caled him a fool, an idiot and he could not do anything right. His mother seeing his poor performance in school and lack of faith in him helped him by giving him advice, helped him to grow his imagination, inteligence and most importantly to believe in himself.
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